Port of Antwerp status quo despite corona crisis

Total freight volume down in April but up 0.4% in 2020 overall The total freight volume handled by Port of Antwerp fell in April due to the corona crisis, but rose by 0.4% overall during the first four months of this year compared with the same period las...

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Port of Antwerp limits damage during corona crisis

Total goods throughput down by 4.9%; first signs of recovery visible The total throughput of the Port of Antwerp fell by 4.9% in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2019.  After a strong first quarter, the port experienced a decline...

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Port of Antwerp: recovery continues

Container volume surpasses 1 million TEU for the first time since April After nine months, the total throughput of Port of Antwerp has decreased by 4.4% compared to last year. Thanks to container handling, which has maintained the status quo and has been ...

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Innovative rail transport between Hamburg and Austria

Innovative rail transport between Hamburg and Austria The voestalpine Steel Division imports coal and ore via the Port of Hamburg. A novel concept developed by ILG Innovative Logistics Group on behalf of Logistik Service GmbH (LogServ) allows 20-foot cont...

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3D sonar sensors enable unmanned sailing

UAntwerp and Port of Antwerp testing innovative technology for autonomous shipping Automated navigation is the future of inland shipping. It may sound futuristic, but innovative research carried out by UAntwerp and the Port of Antwerp is bringing us one s...

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Port of Antwerp installs smart bollards with sensors

Digital solution enhances safety at quay walls Port of Antwerp and technology company Zensor are joining forces to increase safety at the quay walls. Zensor developed the Bollard Monitor, a digital sensor that measures the tension on a bollard. The first ...

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