SMT: Saliou Mines Industries et Techniques (SMIT) specialises in the quarry and earthmoving sector. Director Saliou Mbaye explains his choice of the SDLG LG956F loader

How did you hear about SMT Senegal?
I got to know SMT Senegal through a prospect of Mansour Cisse’s, Salesperson at SMT. He introduced me to the machines that SMT sells, which are of very good quality, fast and robust. I started with a SDLG loader two years ago, and I have never had any problem with it ever since. If I have a breakdown, the SMT team comes to help me out quickly. And if I also need spare parts, I can find everything from them, be it filters, starters, boxes, pumps… everything I need I can find at SMT Senegal.

How many machines do you have in total?
Currently I have three SDLG machines out of a total fleet of four machines.

When did you buy your machines from SMT Senegal?
I bought the first SDLG loader two years ago, the second and third one three and five months ago, respectively.

What are these machines used for?
I use the machines for earthworks and loading sand into trucks, and all this is done with a remarkable speed.

I see only positive things in the relationship with SMT, but also towards the machines.
— Saliou Mbaye, Director at SMIT

What are the differences you see compared to other brands you know? And what do you think of fuel consumption?
Thanks to these machines, I was able to double the productivity compared to my previous machines from another brand. If before I could do up to 100 loads, here the productivity has doubled, even tripled. The work we did before with four machines is now done with only two SDLG loaders. There is a very big change in terms of fuel consumption, these machines consume little. I prefer to refuel each time because I find that the machine consumes less. Also, the distances it has travels on the site are not great so there’s little fuel consumption.

And the maintenance?
For a machine to be efficient, it requires maintenance, if you buy one and don’t do maintenance, it won’t last very long. For my fleet, I schedule a check-up with SMT Senegal every 250 hours. From 1000 hours, I make a complete change of engine oils, gearboxes, brakes, etc. We change everything.

What are your relationships with the SMT Senegal teams? Whether with the Mansour Cisse salesperson or any other person?
I have a very good relationship with SMT Senegal staff. I have never had any problems with them since I got the SDLG machines. They are available to me when I need them. When I have a breakdown, a team comes quickly. When I need spare parts, I place an order and they delivered and installed on the loader very quickly. I see only positive things in the relationship with SMT, but also towards the machines. They are light, fast which is very important in my work. The cabins are spacious unlike other brands so the drivers are comfortable and have no worries about handling them, which makes them work more easily and efficiently.

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