Konecranes transforms the daily truck inspection process with the new CheckApp

CheckApp is an innovative digital tool that transforms the lift truck inspection process. With CheckApp, maintenance  managers can see what their drivers see in real time so managers can quickly act on inspection findings. Moreover, they gain a living archive of secure digital inspection reports which track daily truck condition.


Daily driver inspections are the anchor of a smart maintenance process. Yet too often, in high-turnover operations, driver inspection notes are misplaced, or only reviewed at the end of a shift, or poorly integrated into the overall maintenance planning and information system. These lost checklists or unclear inspection notes can delay maintenance actions, and this in turn can limit uptime.  A smart, fast, driver-to-maintenance department information “handoff” is essential for a lift truck fleet to run at high efficiency.


Konecranes CheckApp, a user-friendly driver app, transforms the documentation and communication of inspection findings. An exceptional inspection tool, it guides the driver through the inspection process in a consistent way, which leads to more complete and consistent findings. Through features like voice & video recording, pictures and a digital checklist, a driver can quickly show and tell about the truck’s condition.


Since CheckApp communicates driver inspection findings immediately upon the inspection being completed, it offers maintenance managers greater flexibility in planning.  An exceptional planning tool, the App lets managers look at a digital picture or video clip sent by their driver and decide whether to address a particular issue at once, delay action until a mid-shift break, or postpone action until the shift’s end or a later date. Faster information can lead to better planning, better decision-making and higher uptime.


Finally, CheckApp is an exceptional archival tool, as driver feedback is safely stored as a living record of truck condition findings from the driver’s point of view. Inspection findings are also broadly accessible. Coworkers can follow updates through the online platform yourKONECRANES.com Customer portal, or via notifications. yourKONECRANES.com stores inspection results together with all the other information and data related to that lift truck. With the convenience of having everything in the same place, users gain a complete, real-time overview of their whole fleet.


“Daily inspections are the foundation of good maintenance and, by far, the best way to ensure a longer lifecycle with fewer breakdowns and increased safety for both the driver and nearby personnel,” says Bertrand Marion, Director, Business Development and Digitalization at Konecranes Lift Trucks. “Digitalizing this process can boost both uptime and productivity. At the same time, it helps to lower maintenance costs, as issues are often detected sooner, before they become a problem. This mobile app offers much greater flexibility and easier action planning to maintenance managers.”


Konecranes CheckApp is available for download in digital stores for Android and iOS devices in 21 different languages, and can be used by all Konecranes customers that have a lift truck in their fleet, including those who don’t own Smart Connected Lift Trucks with TRUCONNECT® Remote Monitoring.

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