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Orts GmbH Maschinenfabrik

  • 19890
Main Category Engineering and Equipment
Services Grabs, Grab Loaders and Unloaders

orts-stripORTS Logo ENGrabs for Bulk Handling made in Germany

The company was founded in 1972 as an engineering office and consulting company, specialising in the construction of grabs (main business) and nearly all kind of bulk handling equipment.
In the beginning there was only construction and sales. The manufacturing of all equipment took place at well-known companies in Northern Germany.

In 1985 our own workshop was founded and since then the company is named ORTS GmbH Maschinenfabrik. Worldwide unique special constructions are for example a swimming oil- salvage grab for recovering raw-oil from the water- surface (after ship- accidents). This grab can still operate when other oil- removing equipment is deemed redundant, for instance during inclement weather conditions, high seas and if other waste is present in the oil spill.

In the early 1980’s the first grabs with 100% enclosed buckets for protecting the environment was produced by ORTS and became available on the market. The biggest grab we ever constructed was a 115 t dead weight salvage grab for destroying and removing ship- wrecks. This grab is considered to be the biggest functioning grab in the world.

Our biggest dredging grabs were constructed for Russia with 60t and 80t dead weight each.

Our main customers are shipping companies, where the grabs need to withstand the rough conditions on sea-going vessels, charging and discharging the vessel in every corner of the world.

Repairs on grabs from other manufacturers are also often carried out.

At the end of 1990’s ORTS obtained the last drawings from the bankrupt grab- manufacturer ZGS (former “TAKRAF VEB Schmiede und Schweißwerk Zwickau SSW”), the leading grab manufacturer in the former East Germany (GDR / DDR). Because of our long partnership before (nearly 30 years) ORTS was able to provide, as far as the drawings are available, former customers from ZGS with spare parts for their grabs.

Calculated over the life- time of a grab, ORTS- grabs are the best- priced grabs which available offering the highest return on investment.

Our grabs has been proven to be Reliable, most efficient, high payload, powerful and with low spare part consumption.

Our product range includes:

  • mechanical rope grabs (single rope, 2-rope, 3-rope, 4-rope system)
  • electro- hydraulic grabs
  • remote controlled diesel- hydraulic grabs
  • wood- grabs (for wood- bundles or wood- logs)
  • dredger grabs
  • salvage grabs
  • crane equipment for operating electro- hydraulic grabs
  • cargo-turners
  • heavy- lift beams (max. load 100t)
  • flat- traverse- frames

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