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VDL Containersystemen bv

  • 4291
Main Category Engineering and Equipment
Services Bag Handling, Barge Loaders and Unloaders, Cranes, Engineering Consultants, Mobile Harbour Equipment, Ship Loading Equipment, Other Equipment

VDL Containersystemen offers a wide range of fast, efficient and straightforward container load and unload systems for trucks and trailer applications. We develop and manufacture the most reliable hooklift, skiploader, cable and chain systems in the industry.


Products containerhandlingsystems:
Hookloaders are available with a capacity of 5 to 40 tons in various designs. Skiploaders are available up to 18 tons capacity and cable systems from 15 to 30 tons capacity suitable for containers and silos. The chainlift systems are available with a capacity of 16 to 34 tons. By using the chainlift system a maximal transport efficiency is realized, because of the low net weight and the low construction height.

The market segments include waste collection, transport, construction and scrap industry, agriculture, defence, municipality and government. In addition to long-term developments, VDL Containersystemen is characterised by its openness to dealer, customer-specific and unique solutions.

For the handling of ISO containers spreaders are made.They are used in ports, container transshipment companies and rail terminals. Spreaders are available in various versions, suitable for containers from 20 to 45 ft. For the Benelux and Germany, we act as a dealer ourselves. In Europe, parts of Asia, America and Africa we work through a dealer structure.This worldwide network of local partners takes care of service and after sales.

In close cooperation with the crane manufacturer and end user, the spreaders will be specifically following customers’ demands, designed and built at VDL’s own factory.

Besides the standard spreader applications, VDL delivers custome made solutions.


VDL Containersystemen has specialised in the (robotic) welding of the metal (sub)components and the final assembly of the systems. We invest in sustainable production resources and work according to the LEAN method.

VDL Containersystemen also has its own assembly department. This is to be a good sparring partner to our dealers and to keep the feeling with the new trucks and where research can be done.

Because we weld and assemble in house and have the production of the critical parts carried out within the VDL Groep, we are very flexible. This in-house production also guarantees us a fast supply of high-quality spare parts.


We regularly monitor our processes and strive to continuously improve them. VDL Containersystemen’s objective is to guarantee continuity for all employees and to generate optimum money in the short and long term.In addition, we strive to be continuously ahead of legal and social obligations in the field of the environment and safety, without losing sight of the business objectives. VDL Containersystemen is therefore also ISO9001 and 14001 certified.















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